Category Archives: Hours


The Windsor Public Library, together with Recreation facilities, community centres and museums throughout the City of Windsor will close following regular evening programming tonight and remain closed until 3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 3, 2022. This closure is being shared now in an effort to allow residents time to plan for tomorrow and to ensure snow clearing crews can have branches prepared safely for the 3:30 pm opening. All Windsor Public...
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Curbside Pick-Up To Continue: Limited Computer and Photocopier Use Available

Contactless curbside pick-up of materials continues at all branches and limited public computer and photocopier access is available.  The lamination service for vaccination certificates (QR codes) can be accessed through curbside service. All public access computer stations are separated by plexiglass dividers and social distancing between stations has been established. Between sessions, computer workstations will be sanitized and other health and safety measures implemented.  Access to computers will be on...
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Windsor Public Library Pivots to Contactless Curbside Pick-Up

Effective Thursday, January 6, 2022, contactless curbside pickup of materials will commence with all in-branch services suspended. The laminating service for vaccination certificates (with QR code) will continue via the WPL curbside service. “With the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, the health and safety of customers and staff is paramount,” says WPL Board Chair, Councillor Rino Bortolin.  “To mitigate the ongoing spread in our community and to...
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Operational Update: Normal Library Operations Resume

With the province reaching Step 3 of the three-step Reopening Ontario Plan, public libraries are once again in a position to welcome customers through their doors to experience all library services and browse materials. Branches are operating under summer hours and customers will be expected to follow existing health and safety protocols. Social distancing may impact Branch capacity under Step 3 of the Reopening Ontario Plan. Masks must be worn at all...
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WPL Operational Update Under Red-Lockdown Restrictions

In an effort to stop the continued spread of COVID-19 and in accordance with the Windsor and Essex County lockdown level of Ontario’s Covid-19 Response Framework, Windsor Public Library will be offering limited and modified in-person service that aligns with the province’s Red-Lockdown Restrictions, announced Friday, February 12, 2021. “Library staff has focused on implementing a contactless curbside pick-up and drop off plan which ensures the health and safety of...
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The State of Emergency Impact on Library Service

The Windsor Public Library Board supports the Ontario Government’s recently announced province-wide State of Emergency in an effort to stop the continued spread of COVID-19. Currently, modified public library services that align with new mandated restrictions are in place at all WPL locations. “The highest priority of Windsor Public Library is to mitigate the risk and impact Covid-19 has on the safety of our customers and staff,” says Councillor Rino...
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