If you’re using Road to IELTS, you’ll be happy to see that they have released a major upgrade! Not only does the site have a cleaner look and feel, it can now be used on tablets and smartphones. Please note that the site is no longer compatible with Internet Explorer; all other up to date browsers should work well.
What is Road to IELTS?
Road to IELTS is an online resource available to Windsor Public Library cardholders that can be used to help them prepare for the IELTS test. It offers practice tests, advisory videos, and eBooks covering reading, listening, speaking, and writing – just like the IELTS test itself. Road to IELTS also tracks learner progress and performance, helping learners to assess where they stand in each category, and which areas to focus on for improvement.
Road to IELTS General and Road to IELTS Academic can be accessed from the WPL databases page.
I am really impress to know about Road to IELTS. Road to IELTS is similar to online classes.
Do teacher guide students?
or its something like watching video on youtube.
Keep it up!
Best regards
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