
Welcome to the new Windsor Public Library obituary listing (index from the Windsor Star).

The notices include last name, first name, maiden name if applicable, spouse’s name if applicable, and the date the obituary appeared in the Windsor Star. Names are recorded exactly as they are listed in the obituary; not necessarily by proper given name.

Please use the fields to search for an obituary. Enter as much information as you know to help find what you’re looking for, even just part of a name and the year. If you aren’t sure of the year, you can enter a range of years for the death notice to search. If a search by proper name does not yield any results, try searching by the first letters of the first name and the full last name.

There are names being added everyday, for all years, so if you don’t find the listing, try again at a later date. If you are having trouble with your search, feel free to contact the library staff for assistance.

Start Searching.