Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Upgrading

Do you need to upgrade your skills to find a job or get better at the job you have?

Have you been out of school for a while and want to brush up on reading, writing, math or digital technology?

Do you have a hard time filling out forms, or helping your kids with their homework?

The Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) program helps adults in Ontario to develop and apply communication, numeracy, interpersonal and digital skills to achieve their goals. This program is available for youth and adults, 19 and older pursuing employment, education and independence goals.

Windsor Public Library offers training that is focused on your personal goals, and will help you get where you want to go.

This program serves adult learners:

  • Who are Ontario residents;
  • Whose literacy and basic skills are assessed at intake as being less than the end of Level 3;
  • Who are at least 19 years old; and
  • Who are proficient enough in speaking and listening to benefit fully from the language of instruction (English).

Windsor Public Library also offers a unique Deaf Literacy Program to help adults who want to improve their ASL, reading, writing, and numeracy skills. The program is learner-centered, goal-based and transition-oriented.

Small group and one-on-one tutoring are the available options.

For more information or to inquire about setting-up an assessment, contact the Adult Literacy Coordinator at:

519-255-6770 ext. 4460 or

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