Can you solve this mystery?

Wasn’t it great news to learn the contest to find all the clues contained in a book about the War of 1812 by Dennis White has finally been solved!  Now the Windsor Public Library has its own mystery we hope the public can unravel.

Recently our Local History section received as a donation a century-old artifact.  Discovered in an antique dealers’ collection, the plaque shown at the left features symbols of agriculture and an inscription that reads:

“Presented by the/ Royal Bank of Canada/ Windsor Ont. /For the best Roadster/ Windsor Fair/ Sep. 15, 1913/ [to] Lewis Wigle/  Leamington Ontario”

Although Windsor is known as an automotive city, Local History Librarian Tom Vajdik  believes the prize winning roadster was not a Tin Lizzie or another motorized vehicle, but rather a class of horse.  Both the United  State Equestrian Federation and the online magazine Saddle Horse Report, still recognize Roadsters as a division in horse competitions.

As for the winner, Lewis Wigle, three similarly named people resided in Essex County in 1913. If there are family members who remember a grandfather or great uncle being awarded this prize, we would love to hear from you.  Please call the Local History office at the Central Branch of the Windsor Public Library at:  519-255-6770 ext. 4437.

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