WPL to provide Technology and Assistance to Seniors

The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated isolation has demonstrated that particular segments of the community – particularly senior citizens – have struggled to maintain communication with family, grappled with the complexities of online shopping and wrestled with everyday tasks that most find commonplace.

Windsor Public Library is pleased to announce that it has received a grant totalling $16,500 from the United Way Windsor-Essex County which is funded by the Government of Canada Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF).  The monies will be used to make available technology to local special needs senior citizens.   Staff will provide instruction on how to best use the technology, connect to the internet and communicate using the provided software.

“We have a longstanding record of implementing innovative programming for local seniors,”says WPL CEO Kitty Pope. “Staff has identified seniors as a population which requires help navigating the challenging times we are in and this funding from the ECSF will provide critical hardware and software for us to deploy to identified seniors. During self-isolation, seniors have become even more isolated from family and friends and this program will provide the impetus for them to re-connect.”

The grant will help purchase 16 Netbooks, accessories and mobile internet hotspots which will be loaned out, similar to all library materials, through the WPL Accessibility Office.   For more information about the program, please call Nicole Hayward at 519-255-6770, Extension 4404.

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