Frank Wansbrough

Frank Wansbrough was the 27th mayor of the City of Windsor. He held this position for two terms, from 1970 to 1974.

Wansbrough was on city council for three terms (beginning in 1964) before his time as Mayor. Wansbrough ran for a third term as Mayor of the City of Windsor, and, though it initially appeared that he had been successful, a recount determined that his opponent, Bert Weeks, was the successful candidate. Wansbrough was re-elected to City Council in 1978 and 1980.

Born May 28, 1919 in Toronto, Ontario, Wansbrough was five years old when he and his parents moved to Windsor, Ontario. After moving briefly to Detroit, he and his parents Frank Wansbroughmoved back to Windsor, where he studied at St. Genevieve’s School and Assumption High School. Prior to running for Mayor, Wansbrough joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1942. A talented photographer, he purchased a camera shop in 1952. Wansbrough was an active supporter of sports in Windsor; for example, for 13 years, he coached the Windsor AKO junior basketball team. Wansbrough was acknowledged by the Province of Ontario for his contributions to amateur sports in Ontario. He was nominated for this award by the Ontario Basketball Association. He passed away February 19, 2005.


Cornett, Jim. (21 Jul 1984). Quiet life a change for one-time mayor. Windsor Star.

Frank’s fuddle duddle farewell. (24 Nov 1982). Windsor Star.

Frank Wansbrough. (29 Nov 1974). Windsor Star.

Frank Wansbrough – Builder, Basketball, Class of 1984. (n.d.). Windsor-Essex County Sports Hall of Fame.

Frank Wansbrough. (15 Nov 1982). Windsor Star.

Fox, Joe. (A15 Aug, 1975). Frank turning to travel, food, and pictures. Windsor Star.

Robinet, Laurice. (Sept 1975). The happiest loser in town. Windsor This Month.

Scaglione, Cec. (n.d.). Basketball to political arena. Windsor Daily Star.

Vasey, Paul. (28 Dec 1987). Touring city issues with Wansy. Windsor Star.

Wansbrough elected to executive. (3 June 1971). Windsor Star.

Wansbrough to get amateur sport award. (14 Apr, 1971). Windsor Star.