What is a pin and how do I get one?
A PIN is a Personal Identification Number. It acts as a password with your library card to allow you access to your account and to databases available on the Library website.
Does the library have the book, video or other item I am looking for?
You can search the Library’s catalogue, to find out if an item is available at any branch.
I was #5 on the list for a DVD, and now I see I am #6. Did someone cut in front of me?
Holds are filled in the order in which they were placed, and we do not alter the order of the holds list. If you see your hold suddenly drop in the list, it is because the item needs to be recalled to our Collection Services department for repair or correction.
I am waiting for an item which shows a due date of months in the future. How do people borrow items for so long?
There are two reasons items might have extended loan periods: they are on temporary loan to an extended care facility, or they have been recalled for repair or reprocessing. In both cases, the due date is only a projection, and items usually return to circulation much sooner. Staff expedite the processing of items which are on hold.
I think Windsor Public Library should purchase a book or DVD that’s been recommended to me. How do I go about that?
We welcome suggestions for additions to our collection. Please make your recommendation online, or speak to a staff member.
How can I find recommendations for new and old books to read?
Windsor Public Library publishes lists of recommended reads focusing on a wide variety of genres, fiction and non-fiction, for all ages. You can view current lists, and sign up for regular email delivery of new books on our Library Aware page.
I need information from old copies of the Windsor Star, is that information available at the library?
The Central Library maintains a microfilm collection of the Windsor Star from 1893-present. If you know the date you need, you can request the film and look at the story. If you don’t know the exact date, there is indexing available but the level of indexing does vary depending on the year needed.
Can you help me with my research?
AskALibrarian is intended as a source of answers to quick questions. For more in-depth research, staff can assist you for a fee. Genealogy questions should be directed to the Local History Branch: localhistory@windsorpubliclibrary.com.
Our current fee for research is $80/hour, charged in 15-minute increments. You are welcome to set a time limit and staff will do as much as possible within that limit.
Our current fee for copying is $1/page with a $5 minimum. The results can be mailed or faxed to you.
If you wish to make use of the research service, staff will require your full mailing address for invoicing purposes.
Staff are available within the Library to assist you when you visit in person.
I’ve inherited some old family photographs. I’m not sure who the people are. Is there a way to date a photograph?
Yes, the staff at Windsor’s Community Archives and at the Windsor’s Community Museum work with old photographs, documents and artifacts. They can give you tips on determining the approximate age, and they’ll show you how to preserve your photos and other treasures too.
We are doing some renovations, and I found an old newspaper inside a wall. Is it worth anything?
Since so many copies of newspapers are printed, and since most local newspapers are preserved on microfilm, old newspapers are generally not very saleable. However, the newspaper is an interesting find because it tells you the year your house was constructed, or renovated. To learn more about the history of your Windsor home you can check with the staff at Local History or Windsor’s Community Archives.